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A lamp? A lamp as a logo? July 4, 2007

Posted by psychobserver in Customer Experience, Snapshots.

Bossini LogoSome time ago (I guess around 6 months ago) Bossini went through a rebranding. When I first saw their new logo, the word that came to my mind was: “Lamp”. The logo looked definitely like a lamp (fact tested with other people). And Bossini being a clothing chain, I kept on wondering why their logo would look like a lamp. I first thought that they just did not realize their logo aimed at looking like a “B” actually looked like a lamp, but the resemblance was too striking… So could it be that they wanted to move into home accessories?

Today I have my answer. Browsing on their corporate website in the brand image section there is an explanation that, firstly, confirms that the logo is indeed a lamp; and that, secondly, explains why it is a lamp. Below is the copy from the Web site:

“Our signature lamp icon signifies that we are always looking out for and taking care of each and every family member.”

Now, the good thing about this logo is that people can identify that the logo is a lamp. But then we may wonder if people seeing a lamp will guess the true meaning it has. It is good to develop brand messages, but it is even better to develop an image that clearly carries that message…


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